Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
One of core values of Faith Church is providing spaces and opportunities
for believers to put their spiritual gifts and faith into action through serving.
We have two main local outreach ministries that are run through Faith Church, as well as
relationship with several missional organizations here in Rock Valley and in our surrounding area.
Whether it is meeting a physical need or a spiritual one - we desire that people would experience
Christ's love through our words and actions.
for believers to put their spiritual gifts and faith into action through serving.
We have two main local outreach ministries that are run through Faith Church, as well as
relationship with several missional organizations here in Rock Valley and in our surrounding area.
Whether it is meeting a physical need or a spiritual one - we desire that people would experience
Christ's love through our words and actions.

The Clothing Closet ministry here at Faith Church is designed to meet the physical need of clothing in our community. The heart of the ministry to not give 'hand-outs' but a 'hand-up' to those in need. A monthly garage sale allows people in the community to come and 'shop' and to purchase their clothing items. The Clothing Closet is also open for any family in significant need to come and receive clothing items free of charge as well. This ministry has created some beautiful relationships among our Caucasian and Hispanic cultures within our Rock Valley community.
The Lighthouse is our 2nd campus worship space. It is a homey and welcoming space where we gather around tables, worship together, and share a meal following the service. Our hope is that this space is an open door for any who are unchurched or de-churched within our community.